Bio: Dr. Jon McCandless is a recent graduate from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University where he focuses on MBE growth and transport in Ga2O3 and related alloys. Jon has received multiple awards and fellowships in recognition of his work. Currently, Jon is a postdoc studying the uses of Ga2O3 -based devices for power conversion.
Besides Ga2O3 growth, Jon has worked with other wide-bandgap semiconductors such as GaN, SiC, and AlN. Prior to Cornell, Jon worked at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) focusing on device fabrication and testing of GaN and Ga2O3 devices, and he is currently a member of the ACCESS Center – a joint center between AFRL and Cornell devoted to Ga2O3.
In 2016, Jon spoke at the prestigious Hilton Head Workshop about his recent advances in SiC MEMS. In 2021, he was awarded a German Government DAAD Fellowship to study AlN polarization at the University of Bremen.
Jon earned his BS in Engineering Physics, and a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2016.